This is not my written story. I got it from JiangKyuber @
Jealousy Goes Both Ways
“Ahhh! It’s Minho!” I heard the female fans scream as they watched the recording of Dream Team. I didn’t want to garner any attention, so I stayed in the back with a pair of sunglasses on and a hoody over my head.
“Krystal!” another fan shouted as Krystal sat at the front with Jessica as they whispered to one another. I smiled at the sight of Krystal.
“Please be quiet. We’re going to start filming now.” The PD said through a mike and everyone quieted down. As soon as everyone was quiet, they started filming. They introduced everyone and everything and then they started pairing the girls with the guys up.
“How about we have Krystal and Minho pair up.” The reaction from the crowd was a bunch of fan girls screaming while I looked on with a distraught face. Krystal and Minho stood close to one another and gave a cute pose to the camera and I could feel jealousy building up from the pit of my stomach. I should be the one down there, not him. Ok, where did that thought come from? No, don’t let Jessica be right. I lightly hit my head as to not gather anyone’s attention.
So each pair had to compete in some athletic competitions and each time they were successful, Krystal and Minho would high five one another. They even hugged a few times. After a while they went on break and Krystal and Jessica started messing around with one another and it looked like Jessica wasn’t leaving Krystal alone any time soon so I gave a sigh of relief. When I looked up again, I saw Jessica have her phone up and the next thing I knew, my phone started ringing.
“Whoever’s phone is that, please turn it off.” The PD said as everyone looked at me. I bowed my head and picked up the phone.
“Hello?” I whispered.
“Haha, you came after all.” Jessica said as she looked up in my direction while Krystal walked over to Jessica and hugged her. Luckily, Krystal didn’t catch Jessica’s comment.
“Yeah, I did, so now that you know, can I hang up now?” I continued to whisper so no one would recognize my voice.
“Aww, come on. I just spent some of my free time to call you. Shouldn’t you feel special?” Jessica teased.
“Hmph, whatever. You just want to tell me that you’re right and I’m wrong.”
“Haha, that’s true. Anyways, how you feeling? Getting better?”
“Yeah. Still kind of sick, but good enough to perform and everything. I heal fast anyways.”
“Who are you talking to?” I heard Krystal’s voice from the other line.
“Amber.” Jessica replied.
“Oh, give me.” Krystal took the phone from Jessica and placed it at her ear. “Amber, what are you doing?”
“Uh, just studying. How’s filming going?” I asked pretending to be ignorant.
“It’s fun. I get to be paired up with Minho-oppa. Also, my sister’s here with me.” She said excitedly.
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” I grunted out.
“Amber? What’s wrong, baby?” Aw man, did she have to say that? As I looked over at the two, Jessica pushed Krystal pretty hard before going over and hugging her. They started moving away from the stylists and sat down somewhere else.
“Haha, nothing’s wrong. Anyways, I should go back and study. I’ll talk to you later.” I replied.
“Oh, ok then. I guess I’ll see you later tonight?” Krystal asked as she sounded a bit disappointed, but I thought it was just because of my wish that she would be.
“Yeah, see you later.” I hung up on her and turned my phone on silent and leaned back in my seat as I continued to watch them film. Throughout the filming, I couldn’t help, but chuckle at Jessica and Krystal’s interactions as it makes Jessica seem like she’s the little kid. I was also a bit shocked that Krystal could give Jessica a piggy back ride, but then again, they’re all really skinny and I could lift them up also.
The next event was vaulting and Krystal and Minho both ran and jumped over the pole. After they measured the heights, it seemed that Krystal had set a new record. I couldn’t help but feel really proud that she was able to do it, but the next thing made me frown as Minho have her a high-five and then a one arm hug. Everyone in the crowd started cheering and saying Romeo and Juliet. That was pretty much the last straw as I stood up and tried to walk to the exit. Right when I turned back around to steal a glance at Krystal, I found Jessica glaring over at me and she picked up her phone and dialed a number. I gulped and prayed it wasn’t mine; however, luck was not on my side as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
“He…Hello?” I choked out.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jessica asked in a dangerous tone and Krystal turned around and glanced at Jessica in confusion. She then turned and followed Jessica’s glance and because of that, everyone’s eyes turned to me.
“To the bathroom?” I answered with an unsure tone.
“Get down her now before the fans mob you.” Jessica said as she glanced at the crowd whom I figured finally figured out that I wasn’t a normal viewer and I did just that. I jumped over the rail and onto the set before the fans could even react and jogged over to the sisters while bowing to the people on set. One of the managers came over and double checked that there wasn’t any kind of injury that was caused from my jump.
“Amber, what are you doing here?” Krystal asked as she hugged me and some of the fans screamed.
“Just stopping by. I got tired of studying.” I replied as I returned the hug after the manager finished checking me over and released a sigh of relief. I tried to bow, but that was impossible since Krystal still wouldn’t let me go. “Uhh, you can let go now.” I said as I tried to act cool.
“Don’t wanna. I feel tired.” Krystal replied as she still held her position. Jessica just gave me a smirk that meant that she was right and that I was wrong and I released a sigh. Looks like I have a week of chore to do for her.
“Hey, let’s go and sit down.” I said as I led us to the chairs without releasing our hug. Jessica followed behind us and sat down. And since I was an unexpected guest, they didn’t have a chair for me, so I sat down and Krystal ended up sitting on my lap.
“Take off the hood, it makes you look childish.” Jessica said as she pulled down my hood so that I only had my sunglasses on.
“Gee thanks. Hello, HyoYeon-unnie.” I said as she turned around.
“Aww, aren’t you two just cute.” She said before chuckling at my expression.
“L…leave me alone.” I stuttered.
“Amber, what are you doing here?” Minho came over.
“Just dropping by. If I didn’t say I had something to do, I would be stuck in the dorm by myself since everyone seems to have something to do.” I replied. To say that I was happy that Krystal was with me was an understatement. I could feel my ego become bloated.
“Hm, that so, you should hand out with the Hyungs then. Some of them have nothing better to do.” He replied as he sat in front of me.
“Sounds good.” Then I noticed that Krystal was really quiet the entire time so I turned around to find that she had fallen asleep. “Uhh, you guys done shooting?”
“No, why?” They replied.
“Well, one of you cast members is asleep.” I said as I nudged my head over to Krystal.
“Oh.” They all replied and didn’t move to do anything.
“We’re shooting the next segment.” The PD said and then everyone tried to wake Krystal up, which took a while, but she finally woke up and the makeup artist and stylist had to fix her hair and makeup quickly. I decided to stay a while longer, but the fact that everyone kept cheering whenever Minho and Krystal got close just made my mood drop down to the bottom of the earth. So, while they were all busy filming, I snuck out of the shooting location and took the train to the mall. I stopped by the bookstore and grabbed some random books that seemed interesting and skimmed through them. If they didn’t interest me, I would waste time by going back and placing them back on their rightful shelf and grab another. However, all I could think about was the smile on Krystal’s face as Minho and her worked together.
“Grrr, why am I like this.” I mumbled to myself as I messed up my hair. One of the workers looked over at me in sympathy and I looked down at my book to find that I was holding a book that said, “Learning Korean for Beginners.” Wow, I’m so not a beginner. No wonder none of the books interested me. Moving on. I felt my phone vibrate and I found that it was Jessica’s number. I pressed the busy tone and looked at the English section of the store. A while later, my phone vibrated again and I pressed the busy tone. After I found a book that Krystal might interested in, I walked to the counter and paid for it.
“Excuse me, sir, but you look familiar.” I turned around and found HyunAh standing behind me.
“Haha, hey. How’s it going?” I asked as I thanked the cashier and moved out of the way for HyunAh to pay for her book.
“Tiring. We haven’t had a break yet since our company thought it was the perfect time for us to showcase ourselves around Asia. What about you?”
“Yeah, that was how it was, but we just went to China and France. However, now that everyone’s appearing on shows, I’m the only one who seems to have a break while everyone else is busy.” I said as we both walked out of the store and ignored the fans taking pictures of us. I joked around with HyunAh a bit and she would sometimes playfully slap me or hang onto my arm as we walked around the mall. Of course, fans would take pictures left and right of us.
“Hey, it was nice meeting up with you and hanging out again.” HyunAh said as we stopped in front of the exit.
“Yeah, guess our schedules keep conflicting, huh.”
“Yep, anyways, don’t forget to tell us when you guys have free time so that our groups can hang out. I’ll see you.” HyunAh said as she gave me a quick hug and was picked up by her manager. After she left, I took the train back to our dorm’s district and walked the rest of the way.
“I’m back.” I said as I took off my shoes and walked into the living room. I found Krystal sitting cross legged in front of the TV while hugging a pillow with a frown on her face. I walked to the kitchen to find the others standing there as they looked over in Krystal’s directions with thoughtful faces. “What’s going on with Krystal?” I asked as I took out a water bottle from the fridge.
“We don’t know. When we came back, she was smiling and perky, but after she went to take a shower and went on the computer, her mood just did a 180.” Sulli said.
“I wonder if it was what the computer said. You think some antis attacked her or something?” Luna asked as she turned to look at me.
“Maybe, but she hasn’t done anything that could cause an anti to criticize her. Besides, I check the internet a lot for that type of stuff and I haven’t seen any today.” I added.
“Hmm, so all we know is that it’s something on the internet.” Victoria looked at me for a few minutes as she tapped her finger on the cheek. “Amber, where were you until now?”
“At the mall.”
“What did you do?” Now Sulli turned towards me after she heard Victoria’s question.
“I bought a book for Krystal.” I said as I lifted the bag to show the others.
“That’s all?” They all started leaning towards me while I remained clueless.
“Oh, and I ran into HyunAh and we hung out a bit too.” I said as though it was an afterthought.
“Ahhh, I see.” They all replied at once.
“Ok, I’m going to my room now.” Sulli skipped out of the kitchen.
“Me too.” Luna calmly walked out of the room and I heard the door to our room close.
“Clean up your mess.” Victoria said and left the kitchen and closed the door to the room she shared with Sulli.
“What mess?” I mumbled to myself after they all left. I looked over to see that Krystal still had a frown on her face and hadn’t moved from her position which got me worried. I walked out of the kitchen and cautiously approached her. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked in English as I stood near her.
“Nothing.” She didn’t remove eye contact with the TV.
“Did Minho do something?”
“He wouldn’t do anything to upset me.” She replied which made my jealousy return along with a bit of annoyance.
“Well, if he wouldn’t do anything to upset you then why don’t you go talk to him about your problem? Here, I bought this for you as a congratulations present for setting that record.” I tossed the book onto the couch and started walking towards my room.
“Why are you in such a bad mood?!” Krystal suddenly stood up and shouted towards me. “You have no right to be.”
“Huh? Why am I in such a bad mood? Did you hear the fans? They called you two Romeo and Juliette. They say you’re the cutest couple ever and it pisses me off that all their attention is on you two.”
“Oh, so you’re upset that we get more attention than you? I didn’t know you were so egotistical, Amber Liu.”
“Me? What about you? You keep making guys attracted to you…” I started, but Krystal cut me off.
“What about you? You left the set and then you go on a date with HyunAh. How many other girls have you gone out with, huh? I bet you didn’t walk me home that day because you had a date with Nicole-unnie.”
“Hey, don’t drag them into this and for your information, I bumped into HyunAh. We didn’t plan anything. Also, in the case of Nicole, I wanted to buy you the shirt you wanted as a surprise present and I just made up a lie that I was hanging out with Nicole. Besides, what’s with all the hugging and stuff with Minho, huh? If you like him so much, why don’t you go out with him?”
“Because we’re not allowed to date.”
“Oh, so if you were allowed to date you would.”
“No, I don’t want to date him and he’s not the one I like.”
“Oh, then who the heck do you like, huh? Wait, why are we even arguing in the first place?” I asked all of a sudden as I totally forgot and stood there looking a bit clueless.
“I don’t know and if you want to know the one I like, it’s you, babo.” Krystal shouted and then pushed her way past me and went into Sulli and Victoria’s room. It took me a few seconds to process the information before it finally hit me and I pounded on their door after finding out that Krystal had locked the door. Suddenly, the door behind me opened and I was pulled into my own room by Luna. I landed on the ground with my back to the floor and I pushed myself up on my arms.
“You’re so stupid.” Was all she said before she walked out of our room and knocked lightly on Sulli and Victoria’s room. The door opened slightly by Sulli, but Luna pushed the door wide open and stepped into the room and came out by dragging Krystal by her arm and then pushing her into my room. The force of Luna’s push caused her to fall and Krystal landed on top of me, causing me to lie flat on my back again. “Make up, I can’t study with the two of you yelling at one another.” Luna then closed the door and I heard a chair being pushed in front of the door and placed under the door knob.
“Great, we’re stuck in here.” I said as I looked up at the ceiling or I was hoping for the ceiling, but it was actually Krystal’s face. Our close proximity made me blush and all I could do was stare at her beautiful face. We just stayed in that position for a while until my mouth finally decided to function. “I love you.” Ok, that was not what was supposed to come out. Krystal just smiled and traced my face with her finger. After staring at one another for a few more minutes, Krystal closed the distance between us and kissed me. After a while, we broke apart and I had a huge grin on my face. “Can I be egotistical now since you’re mine?” I joked.
“Hmph, no.” Krystal lightly slapped me on the arm, but she still didn’t move from being on top of me. “I’m guessing you were jealous of Minho-oppa?” She asked as she moved to stand up, but I pulled her back down.
“Yeah, what about you? Why were you upset?” I asked as I looked at her.
“I saw the photos.” She replied and I gave her a confused look.
“What photos?”
“The one with you and HyunAh at the mall. You two looked like you guys were dating.” She replied.
“Oh. Nah, we were just messing around with one another. Besides she knew about my feelings for you, so nothing would have happened.”
“I guess jealousy goes both ways.” Krystal said and she stood up. She gave me her hand and I grabbed it. She helped me up and I was just about to go and tell Luna to let us out, but Krystal pulled me back and pushed me onto my bed. She had a mischievous smirk on her face as she climbed on top of me. “Shouldn’t we enjoy our privacy while we still have some?” She asked as she moved closer to my face.
“Sounds good to me.” This time, I was the one who closed the distance between us as I hugged her close.
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